お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

狭山火入れ伝説本舗 石田園 Sayama hiire densetsu hompo, Ishidaen
“Sayama Hiire Densetsu”, Sayama’s traditional method of roasting tea leaves.
Rich and delicious Sencha that you can brew without taking time and effort.
断言します。一見さんはぜったいふらっと立ち寄ることはない! 気合を持って「行こう!」と決意しなければ行きつけない!!くねくねと進んでいき、「えっこれで合っているかな」と思う頃に現れる! 知る人ぞ知る、狭山火入れ伝説本舗です。
断言します。一見さんはぜったいふらっと立ち寄ることはない! 気合を持って「行こう!」と決意しなければ行きつけない!!くねくねと進んでいき、「えっこれで合っているかな」と思う頃に現れる! 知る人ぞ知る、狭山火入れ伝説本舗です。
I say with absolute certainly. First time customers can never stop by! You can’t arrive at the shop if you don’t psyche yourself up and decide “I’ll certainly go!”. Follow the winding roads, and then the shop appears just when you wonder if the way is the right way. That’s Sayama hiire densetsu hompo which is known to those in the know.
A strong point of Sayamacha which has been said “Color is for Shizuoka, Flavor is for Uji, however Sayama wins Taste” is the thick and creamy taste, and Ishidaen’s tea is especially evaluated above all the others, “’You have to cool down hot water.’ ‘Please wait for _ seconds.’ etc. Don’t worry about that! It’s ok to roughly pour it and brew tea without taking time and effort. You can enjoy Sencha which has strong, sweet and rich taste.” There are also many regular customers who say that they can’t be satisfied with other shop’s tea expect this shop. That’s the shop of tea wholesale store tea lovers love.
坦白说,光看到外观的话是绝对不会进去的!不提起勇气下定决心想说「进去吧!」的话是很困难的!!带着紧张的心情进入店里, 当想着「疑,真的是这里吗」时,只有少数的人才知道的狭山火入れ伝説本铺即在面前。
从以前就有「颜色为静冈茶最漂亮、香气为宇治茶最佳、味道则由狭山茶最优秀」被如此歌颂的狭山茶,特色为浓郁且留在舌尖的滑顺口感。在这当中,石田园的茶, 受到「将沸水稍作冷却、茶叶的浸泡时间的计算等的动作都不需要。只需要直接注入热水简单泡一泡,就能享用浓郁带有甘甜的美味煎茶」的好评。也有许多「如果没喝这里的茶就觉得好像少了些什么!」的常客, 为品茶专家间具人气的茶叶批发专卖店。
狭山火入れ伝説®本舗 石田園
Sayama hiire densetsu hompo, Ishidaen
2219-1-1 Horigane, Sayama-city, Saitama
TEL: 04-2959-2677