お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

神楽坂銘茶 樂山 Kagurazaka-meicha, Rakuzan
“The shop with divine atmosphere in front of Bishamonten in Kagurazaka”
“The shop crowded with French repeaters” “The spirit of Edo”
Hope to enjoy a different world where “staff with kind smiles” exists together
神楽坂 毘沙門天の前にある日本茶専門店です。まずはこの「樂山」というロゴ、しびれますよね。お店に入ったら天井を見上げて! 上質な日本建築の技を感じるでしょう。
This is a Japanese tea specialty shop located in front of Bishamonten in Kagurazaka. First of all, we are fascinated by this logo of “Rakuzan”. Please look up at the ceiling once you enter the shop! You will feel the technique of elegant Japanese architecture.
We feel their pride to the brand as the logo of “Rakuzan” is not only on the tea packages but also on tea utensils such as filter-in bottles. We can feel their spirits of Edo from the vertically long tray on which tea for tasting is served as well as from the chic arrangement which wraps a bottle of roasted green tea with logo paper and completely ties it with flatly braided cords. We suggest you visit this shop to purchase some typical souvenirs of Kagurazaka if you walk around there.
While the lineup of Japanese small teapots from extremely high-quality handicraft level artists is enhanced, there are many fans for roasted green tea that is freshly parched in-house. The shop covers a wide range of products for Japanese tea and we can feel their professionalism in every aspect. The shop is not only loved by local people in Kagurazaka but also loved by many westerners as there is Maison Franco-Japonaise nearby. The staff is dealing with questions from foreigners in English sincerely without any hesitation.
As the owner was from Kakegawa of Shizuoka, the connection with wholesale stores in producing area of Kakegawa deep-steamed green tea is outstanding. It is thick deep-steamed green tea and there are many loyal fans who say they can only drink tea from Rakuzan.
神楽坂 毗沙门天善国寺前的日本茶专卖店。首先是「乐山」这个LOGO,让人觉得震撼呢。进入店里后往上天花板一望,高雅的日本建筑的技术一览无遗。不仅茶的包装相当漂亮,Filter-in-bottle等茶器也印上了「乐山」的LOGO,让人感受到该店对于品牌的矜持。放置着试饮的日本茶,纵长形的托盘,一包焙茶用印上乐山LOGO包装纸包起来绑上细绳的简单素雅, 「江户的精神」仍残留于此,漫步于神乐坂,若想要有神乐坂当地风格的土产,推荐务必来造访的一间店。
- 神楽坂銘茶 樂山
- 所在地:〒162-0825東京都新宿区神楽坂4-3
- TEL:03-3260-3401
- ホームページ:http://rakuzan.co.jp