お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

茶寮 つぼ市製茶本舗 なんば店  Saryo Tsuboichi-Seicha Hompo Namba shop


“A house in the mountains” that can help you to forget the hustle and bustle of downtown Osaka.
You can enjoy tea brewed by the professional and homemade Japanese sweets to match with it in an extra relaxed atmosphere.



日本茶は一杯ずつ急須でハンドドリップ。小豆の香りがする甘みを抑えた自家製あんこや、ふんだんにお茶を使ったスイーツ。茶粥など、カラダにやさしいお茶屋さんらしいメニュー。物販は、オトナ可愛いプチギフトや格式の高い贈答品まで充実しています。店頭では、フィルターインボトルを使って水出しの玉露の試飲をされていました。口にした人が、えっと目を開いて「これ、なんなん? ペットボトルのお茶と全然ちがうやん」と驚く。茶葉という物販と、暮らしのお茶をつなぐために、季節によって試飲のお茶は変えるそうですが、それもまた来店する楽しみですね。


The shop is located in the 5th floor of Namba Skyo directly connected to Nankai Namba station. It can be said that it is “市中の山居Shicyu-no-sankyo” which means a house in the mountains. When you enter and drink tea there, you can feel a calm and relaxed atmosphere even though there is in buzzing street Namba because there are every menu item which is made with love to connect the life with Japanese tea to us 30 years from now without only thinking about short-term profits, and you can see the mild-mannered attitude of the shop staff who try to provide Japanese tea wholeheartedly.

This shop’s Japanese tea is hand-dripped with a Japanese tea pot for each order. They have menu items that are gentle to the body and are unique to Japanese tea shop, lightly sweetened homemade red bean paste that smells azuki beans, sweets made with plenty of Japanese tea, rice porridge with Japanese tea and so on. Also, they have a large selection of tea products including small gifts which are sophisticated but still cute, luxury gifts and so on. Customers were tasting iced Gyokuro brewed with a Fillter-in-bottle near the entrance of the shop and were so surprised, “What’s this!? This is quite different from plastic bottle tea!” The shop changes the type of tea for tasting depends on the season in order to connect the tea leaf with our tea life. Such tries are also one of customer’s pleasures.

You can get Japanese tea to go too. It’s natural that coffee is often done, though.

位于南海难波站连通的NAMBA SKYO卖场5楼,都会中的自然宁静空间,在难波喧哗的街道中,进入店里用茶,心灵沉淀了下来,其空间与时间也宽广了起来,其理由并不是只为了短期的利润,而是为了30年后的日本茶生活串连所亲手制作的一份一份的餐点,与真挚地提供日本茶的店员其沉稳的姿态所呈现出来的结果也说不定吧。




茶寮 つぼ市製茶本舗 なんば店

所在地:〒542-0076大阪府大阪市中央区難波5丁目1番60号 なんばスカイオ5階


ホームページ: http:// www.tsuboichi.co.jp/