お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

小原春香園 本店 Oharashyunkouen main shop


The shop’s mascot is Mrs. Tatsuko who was born in Showa 3 (1928).
You’ll be addicted to a fashionable space like a variety goods shop in Southern France and Mrs. Tatsuko’s talk about Japanese tea!



エッ、と立ち止まってみたら、お茶屋さんみたい。中にあるのは、かわいいプチギフト。外国の紅茶専門店のようなオシャレな缶。オシルシとして配るのにちょうどよいジッパー付きのティーバッグ。お店には昭和3年生まれのタツコさんが常駐。煎茶を玉露のように楽しむ裏ワザなど、ハンパないお茶キャリアから繰り出されるトークは、深く面白くあったかい。徹子ではなくタツコの部屋!? 実はココ、阪神野田ウイステにある小原春香園さんの本店です。

1987年生まれの五代目がデザインしたレトロモダンな空間と、「そやからな、この一滴を、べろのココのところに載せて味わってみて」と語るディープなタツコさんとのギャップ! ぜひ扉を開いてみてください!ハマります。

In the shopping district where can feel the atmosphere of Showa era, there is a fashionable shop like a variety goods shop in Southern France.

Wow, stop in front of it and you notice it is a Japanese tea shop. There are cute small size gifts, tea canisters such fashionable as a tea specialty shop in Europe has and tea zipper pouches for small gift as a tip. There is always Mrs. Tatsuko who was born in Showa 3 in the shop. Her talk, ex. about a trick that we enjoy Sencha in the same way as Gyokuro, which is backed up by her long career is so deep, funny and warm. Is it not ‘Tetsuko’s room’ but ‘Tatsuko’s room’!? Actually, this shop is a main shop of Oharasyunkouen where is in Hanshinnoda Wiste building.

The gap between the retro modern space where the fifth generation owner who was born in 1987 designed and charismatic Mrs. Tatsuko that talks, “So, taste this drop on this area of your tongue”! You must open the door! You will be addicted to them.

Note: Tetsuko’s room is a famous Japanese TV talk show.


这间店是由昭和三年出生的辰子女士在此常驻,深厚的日本茶资历所畅谈的日本茶话题,像是如何以享受高级品玉露般的方式品味煎茶的小秘诀等,深入且有趣。不是彻子而是辰子的房间!? (「彻子的房间」是日本朝日电视台的长寿谈话节目,主持人为黑柳彻子) 其实这里是设柜于阪神野田WISTE百货的,小原春香园的总店。


小原春香園 本店


