お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

佐賀県嬉野市 永尾製茶問屋 Tea Nagao in Ureshino city, Saga prefecture


A shop directly owned by an Ureshino tea wholesaler
The fragrance of tea produced by tea incense burner and nostalgic atmosphere in the shop make us feel better



We visited “Tea Nagao” in Ureshino city in Saga prefecture this time. We interviewed Kenichiro Nagao and his wife Mrs. Keiko who are the third head of the shop that was founded 69 years ago.


▼ お茶の香りが漂う、居心地のよい店内

▼Comfortable atmosphere with the fragrance of tea in the shop



You can feel sweet smell of tea coming from finishing factory as soon as you go through a bright blue shop curtain. The shop and coffee space that were renovated three years ago is very modern. Calm lighting and gentle jazz music further enhance the atmosphere for having tea. Old tea chests displayed in the shop tickles “fashion-conscious mind” of young people while causing a historical feeling at the same time.

店内的一小角,摆放着健一郎先生其祖父的相片。 「当初改装时将过去的照片都拿了出来。在我小学时期荒茶工厂还在,这是当初采收后的生叶一批批搬运至工厂的照片呢。」


▼ 若い人から外国人まで、客層はさまざま

▼Broad customers from the youth to foreigners



Ureshino is known for hot spring. It is very famous as bath of beautiful skin that can make your skin very smooth. Many tourists, not only from Japan but also from Taiwan, Korea and China visit Ureshino as international flights fly to four foreign cities from Saga airport. Some people come to Sasebo by ferry and then join bus tour from there. The tours are all in Japanese (lol).

Some people come to the shop after seeing its Instagram. “We opened an Instagram account of the shop as we also use it to search the places we want to go in our travel destination. It has been about one year and half since we started Instagram and young customers have been increasing since then.” Ms. Keiko is in charge of updating Instagram. It contains a lot of information such as products and café as well as video for making tea, tea plantation and tea factory, so you may feel like going there or trying their tea.

提到嬉野的话都会想到温泉,以让肌肤变得滑嫩的美肌温泉著名。不仅国内, 「佐贺机场的国际线飞往4个城市、来自台湾与韩国,中国的观光客相当的多呢。坐直升机到来到佐世保,然后从那进行巴士之旅来到这里的人也不少呢,然后全都是以日


▼ 茶器とぴったりあう、美味しいお茶の商品

▼Tasty tea products that match with tea utensils



It is also impressive that there is a big corner for tea utensils. For Japanese small tea pots that are popular among foreign tourists, Kenichiro says “We prepare Tokoname ware and local Yoshida ware here. Nostalgic pattern is also very popular. I personally like Japanese tea made with Shudei tea pot, but I hope everyone can find his or her favorite Japanese small tea pot here.”

They also enhance filter-in bottle with Tea Nagao’s original logo. “We tend to become more active during hot summer days and this filter-in bottle is popular among people who have small children. Some people say their children like Japanese tea made by this filter-in bottle.” According to them, they blend Matcha green tea and use tea leaves that can deepen the color of tea for cold brew tea. Their Instagram photos also look fresh and very delicious! “We also use tasty Sencha green tea for tea bags so both tea leaves and tea bags sell very well.”

They also have a wide variety of tea incense burners in addition to tea utensils. Everybody is saying that natural fragrance of Japanese tea can relax your mind. Especially, they sell better if placed in a toilet.

还有印制永尾制茶问屋自家LOGO的Filter-in Bottle也是大幅度地进行商品展开。 「季节炎热时相当畅销,特别是对家里有小朋友的客人特别具人气。『小朋友们喜欢用这个所泡的茶』也有客人这样对我们说。」冷泡茶因为是「以抹茶混合、使用能够带出浓郁茶色的茶叶」放在Instagram上的照片也是显得鲜艳看起来相当美味! 「茶包里的茶也是使用好喝的煎茶茶叶,因此也有客人会茶叶与茶包两种都购入。」



【永尾製茶問屋 Tea Nagao】
〒843-0301 佐賀県嬉野市嬉野町大字下宿丙98-1

【Tea Nagao】

98-1 Shimojukuhei, Ureshino-city, Ureshino-machi, Saga prefecture, 843-0301

Opening hours: 9am to 5pm (closed on January 1st)

