お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

TOCOTOCO SQUARE お茶のはなさき 所沢店  TOCOTOCO SQUARE Ochanohanasaki in Tokorozawa


Sayama-cha tea shop selling tea produced in its own garden
Small gifts such as Sayama-cha tea bag and Sayama-cha tea Yokan (azuki-bean jelly) are popular




The shop is directly owned by Sayama-cha tea wholesale store. Their insistence on the taste and flavor is strong since they do all the processes themselves from cultivating tea leaves in their own garden to steaming for finishing process. Their strong insistence can be also seen from high popularity of their signature tea “Hanasaki” among tea lovers. Sencha 100g bag, however, is at the back corner of the shop, and instead cheerful and colorful small gifts are displayed in the shopfront. Part-time workers who love Japanese tea are managing shops by asking themselves if beginners also feel like picking up these gifts and if they would feel like buying them if they were customers. They say “Regular customers who love tea come in to the innermost corner of the shop as they already know what they want to buy, so we are rather focusing on providing the attractive shopfront to make potential customers stop by the shop!!!.” Small presents for girls’ day out as well as tea bags and refreshments suitable for small gifts are all made from a female perspective. We also feel like buying one for ourselves as they are great value for money too. The shop is friendly and unpretentious but still pretty, so you may feel very comfortable to visit this shop.


「日本茶爱好者的常客通常已锁定好想买的商品因此都会进入到店里,但为了吸引路过的客人因此让店头能不断变化而持续努力着!! 」由于是从女孩角度来思考,因此像是女子会上赠送的小礼物,适合当作小礼物的茶包与茶点,自己也会想要相当划算的商品。友善、高雅却可爱,给人舒服感的一间店。


    • TOCOTOCO SQUARE お茶のはなさき 所沢店
    • 所在地:〒359-1116 埼玉県所沢市東町5-22
    • TEL:04-2968-5566
    • ホームページ:http://www.ochanohanasaki.com