お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

妙香園 サンロード店 Myokoen, Sun road Shop   

中日ドラゴンズファン必見 どあらが愛する日本茶

A “must-see” for Chunichi Dragons fans
“Doala tea”, Japanese tea loved by Doala is here




You may want to stop by this tea shop if you are tired around Nagoya station. Flavor of roasted green tea spreading in the underground shopping center moves heart of Nagoya citizens that they are back in Nagoya and helps them to heal their mind. Although this shop is more than 100 years old, it is because of their deep love with Nagoya that Japanese tea of Chunichi Dragon’s Doala is sold at this shop.

Surprisingly, you will be served Matcha green tea prepared by chasen for free when you enter the shop. This is the give-and-take spirit that is almost disappearing these days. Tea bag series are also available for affordable prices (13 kinds of tea bags in pretty packages in addition to Doala), so why don’t you buy Doala tea and take a deep breath with a flavor of roasted green tea? You will certainly feel relaxed and happy.




妙香園 サンロード店


