お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

掛川 茶菓きみくら Kakegawa, Sakakimikura


The shop where you may want to forget about the time and taste Japanese tea while admiring the view of the garden and pictures




Kakegawa tea became quite popular after the data that citizens who drink deep-steamed green tea from Kakegawa in Shizuoka every day have a long healthy life was introduced in “Tameshite Gatten” in 2011. This shop is directly managed by a leading manufacturer of that Kakegawa tea.
The shop and café stand in the place where the company was founded. You may feel that family has loved the trees in the garden that can be seen from the window for a long time. The tea served carefully by the staff who loves tea has mild taste which may heal your heart. This is an enriched professional shop with a counter where you can try stylish tea utensils and tea snacks as well as taste various kinds of tea. Their gift service is sophisticated to every detail including wrapping paper, handbags, and bookmarks.


在创业时的地点打造店面与吃茶馆,从窗边往庭院一望所看到的花草树木,皆是长时间被家族所爱护的存在。热爱日本茶的店员细心所泡的日本茶, 其温顺的口感能够疗愈心灵。店里摆有许多造型时尚的茶器与茶果子,以及可供试饮的柜台,商品内容丰富的一间店。礼盒所用的包装纸与手提袋、付笺等等,细节部分都让人感受到洗链感。

    • 丸山製茶直売店 茶菓きみくら
    • 所在地:〒436-0016静岡県掛川市板沢510-3
    • TEL:0537-24-6000
    • ホームページ:https://sakakimikura.jp/