お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

神楽坂銘茶 樂山 飯田橋ラムラ店 Kagurazaka Meicha, Rakuzan, Iidabashi RAMLA shop


Japanese tea specialty shop in RAMLA which is directly connected to Iidabashi station
Their Japanese tea takeout service “Tea Bar” has many regular customers of nearby office workers.


一回分のお茶のティーバッグを購入して、その場でお湯や水を使ってテイクアウトできる「お茶Bar」という仕組みがあり、カップだと150円。持参したマイボトルに入れるなら100円!! エシカルな生活を応援しています。 

Kagurazaka Meicha Rakuzan in RAMLA which is directly connected to Iidabashi station is a branch of the main shop in Bishamonten. The shop using a lot of glasses provides a comfortable open space which allows us to have a full view from outside. Freshly brewed Japanese roasted green tea that is roasted in the main shop, deep-steamed green tea using tea leaves produced in a founder’s hometown of Kakegawa, Shizuoka and elegant Japanese tea utensils. You can take a new step for taking traditional items into your daily life in a good taste.
There is a “Tea Bar” where you can purchase a tea bag for one time and take out tea by using water and hot water there. It costs 150yen for a cup and only 100yen if you use your own bottle! They support ethical life.

位于饭田桥车站联结商场的RAMLA里的神楽坂铭茶乐山, 为位于毗沙门天寺旁的本店其分店。店前运用玻璃呈现开放感的店铺,能从外头完整看到店里的设计让人能安心入店。在店里所放的刚焙煎起锅的焙茶、创业者故乡的静冈县挂川产的深蒸茶、上等的日本产茶器。让传统的物品也能有品味地运用在现今的生活中。

  • 神楽坂銘茶 樂山 飯田橋ラムラ店
  • 所在地:〒162-0825東京都新宿区1神楽河岸1-1 セントラルプラザ2階
  • TEL:03-3235-5555
  • ホームページ:http://rakuzan.co.jp