お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

日本茶専門店 お茶とのり 清風園 Japanese tea specialty shop, Japanese tea and Laver, Seifuen


Why don’t you visit a modest and gentle owner of this Japanese tea shop if you are looking for Japanese small teapots, tea utensils and Japanese pottery?
Zero minute walk from Nishi-ogikubo station


中央線 西荻窪北口前。初心者に対してもどこまでも丁寧でやさしく、「TEA  FOR PEACE」を日々実践していらっしゃる心のオアシス的なお茶屋さんです。日本の良心が詰まったような、控えめな対応が心地よいのです。お茶に少しでも興味を持ってもらいたいと、店頭にある急須や冷凍スイーツは、店主の目利きで、量販店などでは見かけないちょっと面白いものが多いです(ねこちゃんのフォルムの急須とか(^^♪)。お茶の品ぞろえは多彩。自社でほうじ茶を焙煎したりブレンドをするなど、産地の問屋さん任せでないところも、昔ながらのお茶屋さんなのです。


The shop is just in front of the north exit of Nishi-ogikubo station on the JR Chuo Line. It is the tea shop like an oasis of a heart whose staff is really polite and kind to the beginners and practices “TEA FOR PEACE” every day. Their unobtrusive service that is full of conscience in Japan is comfortable. Japanese small teapots and frozen sweets at the shop are chosen by the owner who acts as a connoisseur in the hope that people get more interest in Japanese tea, and many of them are interesting which we seldom see in the volume sales stores (for example, a Japanese small teapot of a cat shape). They have wide assortment of Japanese tea. They are traditional Japanese tea shop in terms of roasting and blending roasted green tea in-house instead of relying on wholesale stores in producing areas.

位于中央线 西荻洼站的北口前。对初学者相当温柔且仔细的教导日本茶的所有事情、实践着「TEA  FOR PEACE」像是人们心灵的绿洲般的日本茶屋。就像是集结了日本的良心在这,



    • 日本茶専門店 お茶とのり 清風園
    • 所在地:〒167-0042杉並区西荻北3-19-3 ベルフォート西荻駅前1階
    • TEL:03-3390-1384
    • ホームページ:http://seifu-en.com