お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

東京都品川区 日本茶カフェ茶箱 Japanese tea café, Cha8ko in Shinagawa Tokyo


The advertisement creators renovated a barber shop to launch Japanese tea specialty shop & Japanese café


今回は、2018年12月にオープンした日本茶カフェ「南品川 茶箱」さん。ユニークな方法で日本茶と関わっている、共同代表の岡部宇洋(おかべたかひろ)さんにお話を伺いました。

We would like to introduce Japanese café named “Minami Shinagawa Cha8ko” that opened in December 2018 this time. We have interviewed a joint representative Mr. Takahiro Okabe who is involved in Japanese tea in a unique way.

这一次,我们向以独特的方式与日本茶连结,于2018年12月所开幕的日本茶咖啡厅「南品川 茶箱」,其公司代表冈部宇洋先生进行了专访。




 ーーThe big mirror in the shop is very impressive.



Yes it is. The shop used to be a barber shop before and we leave the mirror used in those days as it is. We renovated almost everything by ourselves by receiving advices from interior designers and architects. We also dismantled and created walls by ourselves.


ーーWas everyone including you used to work in a tea shop before?






Not at all, we are all rather creators. I am an advertisement producer, and for the rest, two are designers and one is a photographer. I am from Shizuoka and have been learning tea ceremony, which triggered me to hold an event for Japanese tea and get involved in promotion business for Kakegawa tea. We got to know each other since then.

We used to talk how great it would be if there were a place where first floor is a shop and second floor is an office. Then, we coincidentally found this property and decided to start this shop.






ーーDoes everyone work in the shop?





We all work in the shop by deciding a person in charge every day. It is a bit strange, isn’t it?

We only served one kind of Japanese tea, deep-steamed green tea which is the easiest to make at the opening. The best way to make Japanese tea depends on the type. Therefore, I learn the way for each tea from tea farmers and sellers and ask other members to practice again and again until it is approved. We serve tea to the customers only after everyone learned the best way to make it. Light-steamed green tea and Kabusecha were added to the menu later.


开店初期茶的品项只有冲泡最简单的深蒸茶一种。日本茶当中,各种类各自有着其最适合的冲泡方式呢。我会到茶农或茶商那边去学习日本茶的冲泡方式,然后再教给成员们, 我说「OK!」前让他们持续不断练习。 「全员都能泡得好喝的话才推出」的这个流程,到现在浅煎茶与冠茶也陆续推出了。



ーーYou are now serving Macha green tea too.




Yes, it was added recently as everyone learned the best way to make it. Our skills are improving by motivating and learning each other. Each staff has his or her attention to the way of making Japanese tea, and we are all passionate about making the best tea and mastering the way for that. That is the typical attitude of creators, I can say. We want to try Gyokuro green tea in the future.

没错,是最近才新加的MENU,目前成员们都能够点出好喝个抹茶了。彼此相互切磋琢磨,大家的技术都越来越纯熟,每个人对于砌茶方式也都有自己的讲究, 渐渐有了「想泡好喝的茶!」「技术想变得更专精!」的贪欲。我觉得这种态度很有创意工作者的风格,之后也想挑战玉露呢。



ーーWhere does the shop name “Cha8ko” come from?




There are many reasons for that but it mainly comes from the word “Hako”. We call theater and live house “hako”, right? There are many programs going on every day and many people are coming to watch them. Here is usually just a tea shop but we want to test the possibility of this space (“hako”) by trying a lot of things such as holding a gallery and event as well as serving lunch just for one week.

取名来自很多方面,但主要以「箱」这个词开始发想,剧场或live house也会以「箱」称呼,每天有着不同的曲目,许多的人来来往往,虽然平时为日本茶屋,有时变成画廊,有时举办活动,限定一周的LUNCH TIME等等…. 想要去多方尝试空间=「箱」的可能性。



ーーI noticed that the table used in a café is a real” tea chest”.




That’s right. A tea farmer acquaintance of us gave us this tea chest as a gift when we asked him to sell it to us to open the shop. We love this tea chest as it has a nice worn look and is a perfect match with the atmosphere of the shop.




ーーJapanese sweets look also very delicious.




We ask a Japanese sweets maker, Ms. Rie Amo to come to our shop three times a week to make Japanese sweets here. A friend of mine introduced me to her who is proactively working in the front line by showing her talent in the famous Japanese sweets shop. Her Japanese sweets are filled with originality and have a lot of fans. The most popular one is “Lemon Daifuku”. “Black soy bean Daifuku” and “Ukishima (steamed cake)” are also popular.

一周三天,会请和果子师傅阿毛里絵小姐来店里,在店里制作和果子。她是某知名的和果子店工作,活跃于第一线的职人,是请朋友介绍给我的。其具独创性的和果子,其爱好者粉丝也相当多喔。最具人气的是「柠檬大福」。 「黒豆大福」与「うきしま(蒸蛋糕)」也是人气商品。



ーーYou also sell Japanese tea leaves.




Yes we do. Now two kinds of tea leaves are available and we sell Japanese tea prepared only with tea leaves from “Higashiyama district” of Kakegawa city. It is rather “area origin” instead of “single origin”. It pleases us the most when customers who had Japanese tea liked the taste and bought the tea leaves for that tea. We are planning to prepare roasted green tea and coarse tea in the future. We want more people to know that they can buy tea leaves here.




ーーWhat kind of customers do you have?




We made a visit in the neighborhood and announced of our opening in advance, so on the first day of opening, residents living nearby lined up before opening. Customers in their 20’s and to their 80’s visit our shop while most of them are in the 40’s. As we are located in the shopping street, it looks like people who pass in front of our shop wonder what kind of shop this is……(lol)

开业第一天,由于先前有向附近居民们告知开店的事,因此在开店前邻近的居民们还在门口排队等候。虽然以约40岁上下的客人居多, 2字头的年轻人到80岁左右的客人也都会前来。也是因为位于商店街,人们一经过店门口往往会停下脚步「这间店,是卖什么的…」似乎会很在意的样子呢(笑)



ーーWe look forward to your future development such as events.




Japanese sweets workshop for “boiling azuki beans” that we had so far was very popular. As some customers ask us to inform them when we hold workshops, it would be great if we can hold some Japanese tea’s workshops for 6 people. We are also making original tea utensils and exploring menu of Japanese tea x Japanese sake so please stay tuned!



【南品川 茶箱】
〒140-0004 品川区南品川2-11-5


【Minami Sinagawa Cha8ko】

Minami Shinagawa 2-11-5, Shinagawa-ku, 140-0004

Opening hours: 11am to 6pm (closed on Mondays)
