お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

一福桃 Ippukutou


Kitashinagawa shopping street that retains the atmosphere of the Tokaido Shinagawa-shuku.
Dorayaki (Red beans pancake) made from homemade red bean paste and pancakes is popular and goes great with refreshing Kukicha (stem tea).



もちろん、ほんとーーーーにおいしいのですが、そこに安住せずに、その季節の新しいメニューを作ろうと奮闘するときの、店主の心弾ませている様子を見ると、天性の「お茶の時間の演出家」という感じがします。牧之原の内藤園のかりがね茶に惚れ込み、和菓子とかりがね茶の相性も抜群!! 店頭の物販スペースには、かわいい日本茶プチギフトがプチプライスでたくさんあります。

Ippukutou is a Japanese tea and homemade sweets shop where is located in a part of Kitashinagawa shopping street, the Tokaido road post station during the Edo period. Rea bean paste is homemade, and Dorayaki’s outer buns are baked with a copper plate. When I visited there, this shop owner was developing a next season’s café menu together with the customers in the shop (It’s great to do such a thing!! That’s so Ippukudo!) She takes time and effort to make a white peach jelly, a candied plum and ginger syrup while having fun. The Red beans paste is made from row red beans with no additives by her, a working mother, and she also pays attention to the number of times when she remove their astringency. Therefore, it is such her best work that she says with a big smile, “My skills have improved more and more haha!!”

Of course, they are absolutely delicious. However, seeing the shop owner who is not satisfied with the current situation and tries hard to develop a new season menu while being excited, I feel that she is a natural-born ‘Director of tea time’. Kariganecha (stem tea) of Naitoen in Makinohara that she fell in love and Japanese sweets are the best match!! There are also a lot of cute Japanese small gift at a reasonable price in the shop.


想当然而,真的是相当的好吃,但不因此自满,而在新的季节menu上奋斗的店长,看到她兴奋不已的样子,感受到店长真的是天生的「TEA TIME表演者」。被静冈牧之原的内藤园的名为かりがね茶的茎茶所吸引,与和果子的调性真的是相当合拍!!店里的贩售区也放有许多可爱的价格实惠的日本茶小礼品在此。

  • 一福桃
  • 所在地:〒140-0001東京都品川区北品川2-4-18
  • TEL:03-3471-8352
  • ホームページ:http://rakuzan.co.jp