お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

高幡不動 金子園 Kanekoen -Takahatafudo branch


If you are not good at choosing a gift, No problem.
The shop staff, love Japanese teas and are kind,
suggests with keeping a comfortable distance.


スタッフが、パートさんバイトさんも含めて、みんなあったかくて親切でお茶が好きで「人間力」があふれているお茶屋さんです。パッと見渡せる明るい店内。通路は広くて、ベビーバギーも車椅子もOK! 店内をぶらぶらしていると、茶釜からくんだお湯で淹れた試飲のお茶をお盆に載せて持ってきてくださるのだけど、全然押しつけがましくないのです。


The shop staff, including part-time worker, are warm, kind and love Japanese teas. They fill the shop with consideration of customers. Inside of the shop is bright and you can see a panoramic view. Because its aisle is wide, both baby’s buggies and wheelchairs are OK! Though the shop staff bring me a cup of Japanese tea for tasting with using boiled water is drawn from a teakettle when you walk around inside, it’s not pushy at all.

They show used tea leaves for tasting and say, “We blend deep roasted tea leaves. Look! This brownish color’s is that and you can feel roasting aroma even if you are from a distance,’ They just say that and leaves immediately. “I just want tell good points of this Japanese tea!!” Because of such a service style, you can go shopping comfortably and safely.Because there are many Japanese sweets, served with Japanese tea, in this shop, you can enjoy choosing what to buy. While you visit Takahatafudo to collect their red ink stamps in your stamp book, you should try to start Japanese tea life from this shop. There are soft serve and ‘Ocha Bar’ which you can brew Japanese tea by yourself and takeaway it.


店员给我看了一下试喝茶所使用的茶叶「这混合了深焙煎的茶叶,你看,泡出来就会是这种褐色,从远处就能闻到这茶香」说完之后便长扬而去‼就是有「想要把这茶的好让大家知道!」的店员,才能在这里安心购买好茶。日式的茶果子种类也相当丰富,即使多到难以选择也会乐在其中。若是前往高幡不动尊 金刚寺的朱印之旅,也相当推荐你在途中来体验日本茶。还有霜淇淋,与能够外带自己所泡的日本茶的「日本茶Bar」的服务。

金子園 高幡不動店

所在地:〒191-0031 東京都日野市高幡128-5

