お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

金子園 高円寺店 Kanekoen-Koenji branch


A Main store of Japanese Tea Shop ‘Kanekoen’, is opened 30 stores in Tokyo Japanese Tea,
Dried Seaweed and Ochauke, served with Japanese tea,
are very good value for the price and many variations.

茶 海苔 茶点心


そして、お茶に負けないボリュームの品揃えが海苔!! 「お茶と海苔 金子園」と看板にあるのだから、その美味しさもダントツです。食べたらわかる!美味しい海苔選別センサーが、ピビッと反応しますよ!

This shop is near the entrance of Koenji Junjo Shopping Street. Kanekoen Koenji Store, brings on a feeling of ‘Good-old Japanese Tea Shop in Showa era’, is a main store of Kanekoen which is opened more 30 stores in Western Tokyo mainly.
Regular customers whose pour Japanese tea with a Japanese teapot everyday go to buy one after another and say “It is good value for the price!!” in this shop.
This shop isn’t easily moved by trends and has refined to make customers of one generation ago happy. In a sense, is it a precious Galapagos syndrome!?

Ochauke, served with Japanese tea, is lined up for customer who prefers real thing and both sweets and savory food are reasonable price. The time when you can’t decide what to buy is also a happy wonderland.
And, what’s so appealing about this shop, it has to be Dried Seaweeds!! It has as many variations as Japanese tea. Because this shop’s signboard is written ‘Japanese Tea and Dried Seaweed Shop KANEKOEN’, the taste of dried seaweeds is also by far the best. Just eat it! And your sensor of sorting out good dried seaweed will trip immediately.


另外,在商品数不输给日本茶的就属海苔了‼店里的看板写的是「お茶と海苔 金子園」(茶与海苔 金子园)其味道也是相当美味。只要吃了就知道!海苔雷达正逼逼作响呢!



金子園 高円寺店

所在地:〒166-0002 東京都杉並区高円寺北3丁目22-14
ホームページ: http://www.kanekoen.co.jp/