お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

茶カフェ&ダイニング 桜里  Tea cafe & Dining Ouri


Unique products and menu items that a heroin,
Japanese tea appraiser who there are only two women in Japan, provides attract you.

日本仅有2位 日本鉴定士中的女中豪杰所提供

阪神尼崎駅を降りたら目の前にショッキングピンクの 茶カフェ&ダイニング 桜里 の看板が見えます。もう、看板を見ただけで、タダモノじゃない感のオーラが漂っているのですが、これは店主の千夏さんに会うと、きっと納得されるはず。



As soon as you get off at Hanshin Amagasaki station, you can find a signboard of Tea cafe & Dining Ouri. When you just see it once, you can feel the shop has an aura that is unusual. You will understand the reason you feel like that by seeing the owner Ms. Chinatsu.

She is an awesome person who holds a 6th Dan (degree) in National Japanese Tea Contest like an Olympic of Japanese tea and was the only woman leader of the association in the long history of 66 years. But she is not snobbish, or rather, frank. She is unconventional even though she is beautiful and attracts not only men but also a lot of women with her free-spirited, daring and candid character. The cafe has everything: lunch, sweets, and dinner, etc.

You can enjoy some drinks made with Japanese tea in dinner: a matcha beer and a shochu mixed with hojicha.

阪神尼崎车站下车后映入眼前的是带有抢眼粉红色 茶カフェ&ダイニング 桜里的招牌。只看到招牌,就可以感受到这间店弥漫着不简单的氛围。只要与老板千夏小姐见一面您就会了解了。

等同日本茶界的奥运竞技般,持有日本全国茶审查技术竞技大会6段的资格, 66年的历史中唯一担任女性团长的厉害人物,但却不展现高姿态且具洒脱的性格。虽然是美女,但与其不相符的自由奔放与破天荒,以及带有毒性为其魅力,连女生都会爱上的一位女性。



茶カフェ&ダイニング 桜里

所在地:〒660-0861 兵庫県尼崎市御園町54  カーム103

