お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

小山園 呉服町本店 koyamaen

芸術家 芹沢銈介作品の

The tea shop Japanese tea drinkers in Shizuoka love .
Artist Keisuke Serizawa’s artwork,
Japanese tea’s gift of four seasons, is Must-see!

艺术家 芹沢銈介的作品


人間国宝 芹沢銈介(せりざわけいすけ)の「春夏秋冬」デザインの手提げ・紙缶に加えて、お茶もシリーズになりました。香り高い本山茶が「春」、濃くインパクトのある掛川茶が「夏」、旨みの深い川根茶が「秋」、飲み終えた後に湯呑みに残る火香を愉しむ「冬」。日本茶のプロのこだわりとストーリー、お茶通へのギフトに最適です。


Get off at Shizuoka station and let’s walk around Gofukucho shopping street. Koyamaen Gofukucho shop is a directly-managed shop of a tea wholesale store. Large volume bags of 400 grams, 500 grams of Bocha leaves, twig tea leaves, are lined up in front of shop, and customers buy 2 or 3 bags of them in bulk right away without hesitation. This is exactly the tea shop that Japanese tea drinkers in Shizuoka love.

Adding to a paper bag and can designed ‘spring, summer, fall and winter’ by a living national treasure Serizawa Keisuke, a package which tea leaves are inside is also lined up as series.Honyama tea of luxury aroma is ‘spring’, Kakegawa tea of strong and amazing taste is ‘summer’, Kawane tea of rich taste is ‘fall’ and ‘winter’ which you can enjoy Hika; roasting aroma left in a Japanese teapot after drinking tea.

It’s the most suitable gift to Japanese tea connoisseurs, because they have a sticking to tea and a story of Japanese tea professional.

On the other hand, there are also tea bags and small gifts of tea leaves for one time and are a lot of green tea sweets which made from Shizuoka tea leaves selected carefully, and the tea shop is dedicated to spread the attraction of Japanese tea by placing ‘Kyucha-spot’ which the shop staff pour Japanese tea in your empty tumbler or water bottle.

从静冈车站悠闲地走到呉服町商店街。在这里有间制茶批发商小山园的直营店。店里排放着400,500公克大容量的棒茶,而造访的客人几乎都是2-3袋地在采购。可说是静冈的品茶爱好者的御用茶屋也不为过。 配合人间国宝芹沢銈介所设计的「春夏秋冬」图样的手提袋,纸罐,让茶也成为一个系列商品。具丰富香气的本山茶是「春」,带有震撼般浓郁口感的挂川茶是「夏」,深厚川根茶是「秋」,以及享受饮用后茶杯所留下茶的火香的「冬」。日本茶达人的讲究与其故事,最适合做为赠送茶爱好者礼物了。

另一方面,店里也有贩售茶包与泡一次份的茶叶的小礼品组合,讲究用静冈茶为原料所制成的茶果子商品也相当丰富齐全。还有自备水瓶即可外带购买日本茶的服务「给茶SPOT」, 对于日本茶的发展可说不遗余力。


小山園 呉服町本店

所在地:〒420-0031 静岡県静岡市葵区呉服町2-8-18

