お茶屋さん巡り Visit the Japanese teahouse 茶屋巡礼

お茶のはまだ Ochano Hamada


“Putting the breath of Chiran into each tea leaf” A tea master with experience of studying in America offers his special Chiran tea

「于知覧的息吹茶灌注全心全意」 由美国留学经验的茶师

知覧特攻平和会館より程近い県道沿い、じゃじゃ~ん!正統派!という風格で「お茶のはまだ」はあります。南九州市は、寒暖の差が激しく霧が深い気候がお茶の栽培に適している土地で、実は日本の市町村の中で生産量第一位の緑茶産地です。中でも知覧は火山灰の蓄積による肥沃な土地を活かして多くの品種のお茶を生産しているのですが、その個性豊かな茶葉を合組(ごうぐみ)と呼ばれるブレンドの技術を駆使して全国に届ける問屋 浜田茶業の小売店が「お茶のはまだ」、隣に茶工場を併設しています。




“Ochano Hamada” is an authentic style Japanese tea shop located along a prefectural road near Chiran Peace Museum. Minamikyushu-city is the area suitable for cultivating green tea due to heavy fog and a big difference in heat and cold, so it actually produces the most Japanese green tea in Japan. Especially, Chiran is producing many kinds of green tea by utilizing its fertile land from accumulation of volcanic ash, and “Ochano Hamada” is the retail shop of Hamada Tea which delivers these unique tea leaves all over Japan by using blend technology called Gogumi. There is also a tea factory next to it.

The successor Shuhei is a fine young man with a clean look and a sincere personality. He is fluent in English as he graduated from school in America. He runs the shop happily with his beautiful wife and his mother who used to manage the shop before, so atmosphere of peace and safety can be felt in the shop.

Everyone including men and ladies, young and old can enjoy shopping in this shop as they offer wide range of products from daily products to gifts such as authentic Japanese tea, small gifts, and pretty tableware of Hasami pottery. You can go back to their sophisticated online shopping site even if you forget to buy something.







